AJ Consultants (PT. Arjuna Jaya) is a professionally managed company, based in Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi. AJ Consultants (PT. Arjuna Jaya) aim at providing solutions and guidance to clients pertaining Legal and Immigration issues like, Indonesian Limited Liability Company Establishment (Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas), Foreign Company Representative Office Formation (Pendirian Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing), Local Company Formation (Pendirian PT Lokal), Visas, Stay Permits, Work Permit, Temporary & Permanent Residence Permit (KITAS & KITAP) etc.
On June 29, 2015 the Minister of Manpower of Repulbic of Indonesia issued a new regulation number 16 Year 2015 Regarding Procedures for Employment of Foreign Labour in indonesia (PERATURAN MENTERI KETENAGAKERJAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 16 TAHUN 20I5 TENTANG TATA CARA PENGGUNAAN TENAGA KERJA ASING). This new regulation eliminated the regulation number 12 year
In accordance with the Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Of 2006 about Population Administration, every foreigner who possess Limited Residence Permit (ITAS- Ijin Tiggal Terbatas) in Indonesia shall report to Regional Population and Civil Registration Department (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil) and obtain SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate no
In accordance with the Regulation of President of Republic of Indonesia No. 21 year 2106 issued on 10 March 2016, 169 countries has been granted with the Visa Free Entry to Indonesia. This Visa will be valid for 30 days only and will not be convertible to stay permit or other kinds of visa. The
The documents required to obtain API-P (Angka Pengenal Importir Produsen)/ API-U (Angka Pengenal Importir Umum) Importer Identification Number (Producer/General) are as follows: Fully filled application form (Form XV-A) signed by Director or Power of Attorney assigned by the Director of Company. Original Power of Attorney Letter signed by Director of the company to assigned another
KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit) is the change of status from temporary stay permit (KITAS). Expatriates married to Indonesian spouse can apply for KITAP after acquiring 3 consecutive KITAS’s (KITAS III) sponsored by their Indonesian Spouse. It is valid for 5 year and can be extended on expiry. The documents required for KITAP (Sponsored by Indonesian
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In accordance with the Indonesian Police Chief Instruction No. Pol / 02 / XII / 95 regarding Licensing and Notification (JUKLAP Kapolri No. Pol / 02 / XII / 95 tentang perijinan dan pemberitahuan), Indonesian Law No. 09 Year 1992 regarding Immigration (UU Nomor 9 Tahun 1992 Tentang Keimigrasian) and Indonesian Government Regulation No. 31
The Indonesian government is currently tightening the policies to regulate Foreign Workers (TKA-Tenaga Kerja Asing) in order to protect the Indonesian Labor by issuing regulations on Job Positions (Jabatan) which can be occupied by foreign workers. And provisions are being made to strengthen the knowledge base of Indonesian Labor by appointing them as Work Companion
DPKK – Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan (Expertise and Skills Development Fund) is the compensation paid by Indonesian based companies or employers for hiring the foreign workers. DPKK is paid directly to the Department of Manpower (DEPNAKER), Indonesia (in accordance with the Manpower Act No. 13 Year 2003). This compensation is intended to support
Foreign Direct Investment (PMA-Penanaman Modal Asing) Company is a Limited Liability Company Incorporated in Indonesian territory by a Foreign Investor using Foreign Capital or Joint Venture with Domestic Investor/s. It is the most common presence for a foreign investor who wish to invest and engage in Business Activities in Indonesia. Incorporation of the Foreign Direct