Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP) is transfer of status from Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS). Requirements and procedure for Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP) depends on the current status of foreigner. Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS) holder foreigners with status working as expert and investors can apply for a Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP) after living in Indonesia for at least 5 consecutive years. As for foreigners married to Indonesian citizens, they can apply for Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP) after 2 years of marriage.

Documents Required

A.For foreign investors and foreigners working as expert:

  1. Copy of Passport (Photo and Personal data pages with at least 18 months of validity)
  2. Original KITAS
  3. Original RPTKA
  4. Copy of IMTA (all issued in last 5 years)
  5. Copy of SKPPS/SKTT (all issued in last 5 years)
  6. Copy of KITAS (all issued in last 5 years)
  7. Passport size photographs (4X6=4 and 2X3=2 in red background)
  8. Copy of Identity card (KTP) of Indonesian companion (Tenaga pendamping)
  9. Copy of Sponsor Company Documents:
  • Akta Pendirian Perusahaan (Article of Association)
  • PPM (Investment Board Permit)
  • Surat Domisili (Domicile Certificate)
  • NPWP (Tax Number)TDP (Business Registration Certificate)
  • SK Menteri (Deed of Establishment)
  • IUT (Permanent Business License)*
  • Wajib Lapor (Compulsory Company Report)

B.For foreigners legally married to Indonesian citizen:

  1. Copy of Passport (Photo and Personal data pages with at least 18 months of validity)
  2. Original KITAS
  3. Copy of KITAS (all issued in last 5 years)
  4. Copy of SKPPS/SKTT (all issued in last 5 years)
  5. Passport size photographs (4X6=4 and 2X3=2 in red background)
  6. Copy of Identity card (KTP) of Indonesian spouse
  7. Copy of Family Register (Kartu Keluarga) of Indonesian spouse
  8. Copy of Marriage Certificate (Surat Nikah)
  9. Original Bank statement of Indonesian spouse with minimum balance of Rp. 10.000.000

For procedure and other information about Permanent Stay Permit please contact us.


  1. I have a KITAP , i’m working with a company , if i’m traveling does the KITAP holder need to have a SKJ document from the Police ?

    • Dear Mr. Walter,

      Thank you for your comment.

      If you are traveling to a dangerous area or any area for more than 2 weeks, we suggest you obtain the SKJ even if you are a KITAP holder.

      For further information on this matter, please email send an email to

      Best Regards,

  2. Im a spouse of an inddonesian married in Indonesia lived there 4 years married 6 years.Looking to return with my Indo spouse and son to Indonesia.What can i legally do with kitap in terms of work.Can i open a small business in my spouse name or should i be a sole entrepreneur can i do freelance online without needing extra visas or work permits? What are my rights in terms of work and No I dont want to work for a company.

  3. I am an Indonedian permanent resident with kitap i received an email i need to extend my Kitap for extra 5 years can i do that online i was told in Febuary my immigrasi Yogya i can but i cant find the online app where is that ?

    • Dear Mr. David,

      Thank you for your comment. As far as we know, the KITAP extension process is all manual. The process also consist of recommendation from Dirjen Imigrasi and Kanwil Imigrasi. There is no app or website to do it online.

      Should you require further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to get back to us at

      Best Regards,

  4. Hello,
    I have two questions to ask.
    The first question is whether a spouse kitap can be transferred to my Australian friend who is married to an Indonesian wife. My friend is also on spouse kitap.
    The second question is can i live anywhere in Indonesia whilst going through the divorce process. I do not want to be living with her whilst going through the divorce process.
    Terima kasih

  5. Dear all,

    I am married to an Indonesian citizen since the 04.11.19 and would like to process a KITAP -starting from the 04.11.21-. Since I worked for a company at the time of marriage and obviously already had both KITAS and IMTA, I didn’t process the spouse-sponsored KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas). I have one KITAS of 6 months and with the same company I still have another KITAS of one year until expiry date at the end of August this year. Currently I face the following dilemma: can I still apply to the KITAP just with the marriage certificate and two years of validity? Since I only have 1,5 years of KITAS with the company is not enough as 3 years are required for a company-sponsored KITAP. How can I solve this situation as it would not be fair the Immigration Office rejects my KITAP because of not fulfilling the requirements…as basically I am holding a company KITAS but married two years, how can I get two KITAS at the same time?!

    Thanks in advance for your time and support,

    Juan B.

  6. I am a Indian national married to a Indonesian national since Nov 2018. Somehow due to work commitments we never got a chance to apply for my Kitas.
    I have a question;
    1. Since we have already completed over 2 years of marriage, can we apply for Kitap immediately after getting Kitas or do we have to get Kitas then wait for 2 years of Kitas then apply for Kitap?

    • Dear Sir/Madam,

      Thank you for your comment.

      First step would be to apply for a KITAS which will be sponsored by your Indonesian spouse. As you are already married for 2 years, then you will be directly able to apply for conversion from Spouse sponsored KITAS to KITAP.

      Please be noted that KITAP cannot be applied directly. KITAP is always a conversion from KITAS.

      Should your require further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to write to us again.

      Best Regards,

      • Hi, Question
        5 years after KITAPS would I still need to be married in order to renew it ?
        Can I buy land and build a house on it while on KITAPS ? thanks

  7. Hi good evening i have a question sir
    For apply kitap passport must have 5years expiry date or only 18month enough
    Second i already have kitas this is my first kitas after 1kitas kan apply kitap for 5years …..? Thanks

    • Hi Sir,
      Thank you for your comment.

      For KITAP application 18 months passport validity is enough. If you change your passport after getting the KITAP, then you can just report the change of passport to immigration office. Immigration will carry forward your KITAP data from old passport to new.

      If you are already married for 2 years or more at this point of time, you are eligible for KITAP.

      Should you require further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us on

      Best Regards,

  8. I am the holder of a KITAP Semur Hidup. I have an electronic National Identity Card (e-KTP). For working do I need a work permit (IMTA) as Immigration law states I must be able to work to support my family. And do I need an SKJ even though I have a KTP?

    • Dear Mr. Chris,

      Yes, you will require a work permit if you are working even if you have a KITAS sponsored by your spouse. SKJ is only required if you visit location which are not mentioned your work locations on your work permit.

      Should you require further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us on

      Best Regards,

  9. Hi everyone,

    I’m in the process of getting working Kitas and I’m waiting to be accepted for the first step from immigration. Have you ever had problems with Kitas applications? How difficult is these days (pandemic times) get a working Kitas?

    Thanks for your answer, I’m getting anxious during the visa process.


    • Hi, i have 2 questions first one is can i apply kitap with a passport validity of 12 months second one is on the time of applying kitap do i need to legalise my boku nikha from 3 ministries. Thanks

  10. Hello,
    If I apply for a KITAP and soon after leave indonesia and then come back to Indonesia with a new passport ( as old one would be expiring ) , will I have a problem when entering Indonesia again.
    Thank you

  11. Hi ,
    i have take already investment kitaS (PT-PMA) I AM IN DIRECTOR OF PT PMA, Nw already to 2years kitas. 1 times, But Hw many times i need renewal Kitas 2 years. can eligible to appply KITAP 5years.

  12. Hi there,
    I have a KITAP (5 years) (sponsored by my wife) which is expiring on 3 March 2023. Can you advise the necessary documents and procedure to get this renewed and the deadline for renewal application.
    The previous company that helped us is no longer in business.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Mr. Peter,

      Thank you for your comment.

      No, you cannot apply for KITAP directly while in Australia. KITAP is conversion from KITAS. So first you need to obtain C318 repatriation KITAS and after 3 years of KITAS, you will be eligible to apply for KITAP. For KITAS process you need to come to Indonesia at least once.

      Should you require further information on this matter, please email us on

      Best Regards,

  13. Hello,
    This question is actually concerning my brother. His spouse is Indonesian and he has a valid KTAP. My question is, does he need to get an exit visa ( or something similar) in order to fly to the United States to see family?

    Thank you,

    Richard Mills

    • Dear Mr. Richard,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Usually with KITAP, immigration will also issue Multiple Exit Re-entry Permit (MERP). So he does not require any other exit visa to fly out or in to Indonesia.

      Should you require further information on this matter, please do not hesitate to write us on

      Best Regards,

  14. saat ini saya ada TKA yang stay index permitnya sudah 5b (memiliki KITAS selama 5 tahun) dan selanjutnya akan beralih ke KITAP. karena index sudah 5B apakah perlu EPO dulu? takutnya sudah saya daftarkan perpanjangan IMTA tapi ternyata harus EPO maka IMTA akan hangus.

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