In accordance with the Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Of 2006 about Population Administration, every foreigner who possess Limited Residence Permit (ITAS- Ijin Tiggal Terbatas) in Indonesia shall report to Regional Population and Civil Registration Department (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil) and obtain SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate no later than 14 (fourteen) days of issuance of Limited Residence Permit (ITAS- Ijin Tiggal Terbatas). The SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate will adapt the validity of Limited Residence Permit (ITAS- Ijin Tiggal Terbatas) of the respective Foreinger.
The Foreigner must carry SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate in case of travel. An administrative fine of Rp. 100.000 (Hundred Thousand Rupiahs) may apply to those foreigners who failed to show their SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate on inspection.
Documents Required to obtain SKTT (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal) – Residency Certificate are as follows:
- An application letter from sponsor (Company / Organization / Individual)
- Fully filled Application form 1-62
- Copy of Passport of applicant
- Copy of Visa of applicant
- Copy of Limited Residence Permit (KITAS) of applicant
- Copy of STM – Surat Tanda Melapor (Police Report Certificate) of applicant
- Copy of Work Permit (IMTA – Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing ) in case applicant is working in Indonesia
- 3 copies of Passport size (3X4cms) photos of applicant in red background
- Letter of Attorney from sponsor in case other agency/person is handling the application
- The requirement may change in different regions.
if I already have an indonesian corporation that I out in my wife and my mother in laws name can I remove them and utilize the corp for myself and will it help facilitate my a kitap for me as I have had it for at least 4 years. I am married to an indonesian woman but it may be heading toward divorce and I want to ensure I am able to take care of my 6 year daughter who currently lives with me. I am also in the midst of finding that my sktt was allowed to expire last year even though I have a spousal sponsored kitas for 3= years. this is forcing some confusion and what is necessary for me to reapply for in Bali where my permanent domicile is although I have temporary residence here in jakarta as my daughter attends school here during the school season. this and other issues require me to seek advice but only that for which is in mine and my daughters best interest under the current conditions of separation as my wife has decided to reside in an undisclosed location in yogya.