Job Positions (Jabatan-Jabatan) which can or cannot be occupied by Foreign Workers in Indonesia

The Indonesian government is currently tightening the policies to regulate Foreign Workers (TKA-Tenaga Kerja Asing) in order to protect the Indonesian Labor by issuing regulations on Job Positions (Jabatan) which can be occupied by foreign workers. And provisions are being made to strengthen the knowledge base of Indonesian Labor by appointing them as Work Companion

DPKK – Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan (Expertise and Skills Development Fund)

  DPKK – Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan (Expertise and Skills Development Fund) is the compensation paid by Indonesian based companies or employers for hiring the foreign workers. DPKK is paid directly to the Department of Manpower (DEPNAKER), Indonesia (in accordance with the Manpower Act No. 13 Year 2003). This compensation is intended to support

Incorporation of Foreign Direct Investment (PMA- Penanman Modal Asing) Company in Indonesia

Foreign Direct Investment (PMA-Penanaman Modal Asing) Company is a Limited Liability Company Incorporated in Indonesian territory by a Foreign Investor using Foreign Capital or Joint Venture with Domestic Investor/s. It is the most common presence for a foreign investor who wish to invest and engage in Business Activities in Indonesia. Incorporation of the Foreign Direct

Incorporation of Foreign Company Representative Office (KPPA & KP3A) in Indonesia

Foreign Company Representative Office (KPPA- Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing) is an office incorporated by an overseas company to represent itself in Indonesia. Foreign Company Representative Office usually has limited functionality and generally are prohibited from directly engaging in operational activities; signing contracts; issuing official invoices, receiving payments from its clients, and directly engaging in any


The documents required to process International Driving License in Indonesia are as follows: 1. Completed application form (provided and completed at the time of lodgment) 2. For Indonesian citizen – original ID CARD (KTP) and 2 copies. For Foreigners – Original KITAP (Permanent residence permit Card) and 2 copies (KITAS holders not eligible for International

Now Making Passport in South Jakarta Immigration is More Straightforward

South Jakarta Immigration Office made ​​a breakthrough in making passport process much simpler. Now the passport applicants will be able to pay directly for Passport fee with debit cards, credit cards, or cash through the equipment available in Immigration office. Since the month of July 2014 the Passport applicants has been given the ease the payment process