- New (Baru) RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing) – Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan
- Reason to hire Expatriate Manpower
- Fully filled RPTKA application form
- Principle License from BKPM (Izin Prinsip)/ Business License from BKPM (Izin Usaha)/Business License from Local Authorities (SIUP)
- Article of Association (Akta Pendirian Perusahaan) and Deed of Establishment (SK Kehakiman) of Company
- Organization Structure (Bagan Struktur Organisasi) of the Company.
- Recommendation for the position which would be occupied by Expatriate employee from relevant technical agencies in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
- Domicile Certificate (Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan) of the company issued by District Office.
- Tax ID (NPWP-Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) of the Company.
- Business Certificate of the Company (TDP- Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)
- Copy of ID Card (KTP) of Indonesian Assistant appointed to the Expatriate employee with Appointment Letter and Assistance Plan.
- Affidavit (Surat Pernyataan) to carry out educational and vocational training for Indonesian Assistant in accordance with the qualification and positions occupied by Expatriate employee.
- Compulsory Employment Report of the Company (wajib lapor ketenagakerjaan) in accordance with Indonesian Law No. 7 year 1981.
- Emergency/Urgent (Darurat/Mendesak) RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing) – Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan
- Reason to hire Expatriate Manpower
- Fully filled RPTKA application form
- Principle License from BKPM (Izin Prinsip)/ Business License from BKPM (Izin Usaha)/Business License from Local Authorities (SIUP)
- Statement Letter from Sponsor Company declaring the state of emergency to hire the Expatriate.
- Temporary (Sementara) RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing) – Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan
- Reason to hire Expatriate Manpower
- Fully filled RPTKA application form
- Principle License from BKPM (Izin Prinsip)/ Business License from BKPM (Izin Usaha)/Business License from Local Authorities (SIUP)
- Article of Association (Akta Pendirian Perusahaan) and Deed of Establishment (SK Kehakiman) of Company
- Organization Structure (Bagan Struktur Organisasi) of the Company.
- Domicile Certificate (Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan) of the company issued by District Office.
- Tax ID (NPWP-Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) of the Company.
- Business Certificate of the Company (TDP- Tanda Daftar Perusahaan)
- Compulsory Employment Report of the Company (wajib lapor ketenagakerjaan) in accordance with Indonesian Law No. 7 year 1981.
- Employment Contract
- Extension (Perpanjangan) of RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing) – Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan
- Reason to hire Expatriate Manpower
- Fully filled RPTKA application form
- Recommendation for the position which would be occupied by Expatriate employee from relevant technical agencies in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
- Domicile Certificate (Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan) of the company issued by District Office.
- Progress Report on implementation of educational and vocational training of the appointed Assistant in the context of transfer of technology and skills.
- Compulsory Employment Report of the Company (wajib lapor ketenagakerjaan) in accordance with Indonesian Law No. 7 year 1981.
- Previous valid RPTKA and Work Permit (IMTA – Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing )
- Receipt of payment of Worker Levy (DPKK – Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan / Expertise and Skills Development Fund)
- Amendment (Perubahan) of RPTKA (Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing) – Expatriate Manpower Utilization Plan
- Reason for the amendment of RPTKA
- Article of Association (Akta Pendirian Perusahaan) and Deed of Establishment (SK Kehakiman) of Company
- Previous valid RPTKA and Work Permit (IMTA – Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing)
- Receipt of payment of Worker Levy (DPKK – Dana Pengembangan Keahlian dan Keterampilan / Expertise and Skills Development Fund)
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