Indonesia is also a popular destination for foreigners around the world. The country offers wide range of tourist spots and has a thriving economy. Single-Entry Visitor Visa is granted to foreigners who wish to visit Indonesia for various purposes, namely:

  • Tourism;
  • family;
  • transit/continue traveling to other countries;
  • business;
  • attending meetings;
  • purchases of goods;
  • undergoing medical treatment;
  • government duties;
  • conducting journalistic visits;
  • social;
  • Art and culture;
  • non-commercial sports;
  • comparative studies, short courses and training;
  • giving lectures or attending seminars;
  • participating in international exhibitions;
  • pre-investment;
  • board a vessel (ship, freight, boat etc) located in Indonesian Territory;
  • film-making;
  • carry out emergency and urgent work;
  • providing guidance, counseling and training in the application and innovation of industrial technology to improve quality and design of industrial products and foreign marketing cooperation for Indonesia;
  • carry out audits, production quality control, or inspections at company branches in Indonesia;
  • prospective foreign workers in probation;
  • after-sales service;
  • installing and repairing machines;
  • fulfill summons in the judicial process; and
  • Internship

The Single-Entry Visitor Visa is granted by Directorate General of Immigration. Single-Entry Visitor can be granted to Foreigners to stay in Indonesian Territory for a maximum period of:

  • 180 (one hundred and eighty) Days from the date of entry; or
  • 60 (sixty) Days from the date of entry.

Single-Entry Visitor Visa can also be granted to foreigners without citizenship and/or foreigners holding travel documents that are not national passports. In this case number of activities for which visa is issued are limited to:

  • tourism;
  • family;
  • social;
  • business;
  • pre-investment;
  • Art and culture;
  • government duties;
  • non-commercial sports;
  • comparative studies, short courses and training;
  • carry out emergency and urgent work;
  • giving lectures or attending seminars;
  • continue traveling to other countries; and
  • board the means of transportation (ship, freight, boat etc) located in Indonesian Territory

Non-National Passport/Travel Documents as mentioned above consist of:

  • travel documents;
  • temporary passport;
  • emergency passport;
  • titre du voyage;
  • certificate of identity;
  • laissez passer; and
  • other similar documents.

Single-Entry Visitor visa is not suitable to work or to take up employment in Indonesia and can be converted into Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) in some cases.

Classification of Single-Entry Visitor Visa in with regards to Activities

SL Activities Index Length of Stay
1 Tourism, Family and Continuing travel to other countries C1 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
2 Business, Attending Meetings and Purchase of Goods. Participating in talks, discussions, negotiations, and/or the signing of business agreements, which may involve locations such as offices, factories, and manufacturing plants. C2 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
3 Undergoing Medical Treatment C3 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
4 Carrying out Government Duties. Visiting a specific place or engaging in activities within the context of official government duties. C4 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
5 Carrying out Journalism Activities and Conducting news coverage in Indonesia. C5 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
6 Participating in social activities in Indonesia C6 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
7 Delivering Humanitarian Aids C6A 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
8 Showcasing, presenting, or performing a work related to art and culture C7 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
9 Showcasing, presenting, or performing a work related to music C7A 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
10 Assisting foreign individuals involved in musical performance C7B 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
11 Participating in sport activities upon invitation from the Indonesian government, international sport championships, or sporting events organized by international sport organizations C8 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
12 Participating in sport activities as an athlete upon invitation from the Indonesian government, international sport championships, or sporting events organized by international sport organizations C8A 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
13 Participating in sport activities as an official upon invitation from the Indonesian government, international sport championships, or sporting events organized by international sport organizations C8B 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
14 Participating in study visits, short courses, and short training sessions C9 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
15 Participating in a short religious training C9A 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
16 Participating in a short course on Indonesian language C9B 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
17 Participating in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions or similar events as a speaker, lecturer, presenter, or influential figure C10 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
18 Delivering religious lectures C10A 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
19 Participating in meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions to market goods or services as an exhibitor C11 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
20 Engaging in activities aimed at initiating a business, such as field surveys and/or feasibility studies C12 180 days from date of entry and non-extendable
21 Board a vessel (ship, freight, boat etc) located in Indonesian Territory C13 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
22 Engaging in film production that utilizes locations within Indonesia C14 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
23 Performing unplanned tasks that cannot be delegated to others, particularly in response to incidents such as natural disasters, main engine failures, or civil unrest/protests/riots that require immediate attention to prevent severe losses for the company and/or general public C15 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
24 Providing guidance, counseling, and training in the implementation and innovation of industrial technology to improve the quality and design of industrial products, as well as fostering international marketing collaborations for Indonesia C16 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
25 Carrying out the audit, production quality control, or inspections at company branches in Indonesia C17 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
26 Conducting a work proficiency trial to assess foreign worker’s eligibility C18 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
27 Providing after sale services to consumers for the goods and/or services sold C19 60 days from date of entry. Extendable up to 2 times, for 60 days each time.
28 Installing or repairing machines in case of malfunctions C20
29 Attending judicial process as summoned by the relevant authorities C21 180 days from date of entry and non-extendable
30 Completing an internship at educational institutions, companies, or other relevant organizations C22 180 days from date of entry and non-extendable
31 Completing a mandatory internship as stipulated in the academic curriculum abroad C22A 180 days from date of entry and non-extendable
32 Developing competencies/internship within a company, office or other workplace C22B 180 days from date of entry and non-extendable


Requirements for Single-Entry Visitor Visa

  1. Valid Travel Document valid for at least 6 (six) months.
  2. Proof of guarantee from the Guarantor, except for tourism, family activities, continuing trips to other countries, business, attending meetings, purchasing goods, making journalistic visits, and pre-investment.
  3. Proof of living expenses while in Indonesian Territory.
  4. Recent color photograph; and
  5. Other documents* explaining the purpose of visit, as follows:
    • Invitations letter or correspondence from government agencies or private institutions explaining the relationship with the foreigner concerned for business activities, attending meetings, purchasing goods, and pre-investment.
    • A statement letter from a government agency or private institution, or a statement letter from a Foreigner concerned explaining that he/she will undertake medical treatment in Indonesian Territory.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies to undertake government work activities.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies or private institution to undertake journalistic activities.
    • Invitation letter from activity organizer in order to carry out the general art and cultural activities. Cooperation contract between the performer and the organizer of the activity, for music performers or support staff.
    • Invitation letter from activity organizer in order to carry out the non-commercial sports activities.
    • Proof of registration or information as a study participant appeals, short courses, or short training from government agencies or private institutions, for carrying out comparative studies, short courses, and training.
    • Invitation letter from activity organizer, details of agenda and lecture/seminar material to be delivered for carrying out giving or attending lectures and seminars in Indonesian territory.
    • Invitation letter from government agencies or private institutions as organizers of the activities to participate in international exhibitions.
    • Invitation Letter and proof from a government agency or private institute for boarding a vessel (ship, freight, boat etc) located in Indonesian Territory.
    • Permission from government agencies for the use of film-making locations in Indonesia.
    • Statement letter or information from government agencies or private institutions explaining the urgency of the presence of foreigners who cannot be represented/replaced/authorized by other parties in dealing with incidents caused by, among other things, natural disasters, main engine failures, or civil unrest/protests/riots that require immediate attention to prevent severe losses for the company and/or public for carrying out emergency and urgent work.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies or private institutions to provide guidance, counseling and training in the application and innovation of industrial technology to improve the quality and design of industrial products as well as foreign marketing cooperation for Indonesia.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies or private institutions to carry out the audit, production quality control, or inspections at company branches in Indonesia.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies or private institutions to conduct a work proficiency trial for prospective foreign workers.
    • Invitation or statement letter and proof of purchase of an item from government agencies or private institutions which require after-sales service.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies or private institutions explaining the need of a foreigner to install and repair the machines which cannot be delegated/authorized to another party.
    • Invitation or statement letter from government agencies with authority in the field of law enforcement to fulfill summons in the judicial process.
    • Internship Agreement from government agencies or private institutions to carry out internship in Indonesia.

Notes regarding requirements for Single-Entry Visitor Visa

  1. Other documents* as intended above are not required for foreigners carrying out the activities of tourism, family, and continuing travel to other countries.
  2. For Foreigners holding Travel Documents that are not National Passports or Foreigners without citizenship, apart from having to fulfil the requirements above also require:
    • Re-Entry Permit to the country where the foreigner concerned is applying for a Single-Entry Visitor Visa.
    • Return or through tickets to continue the journey to another country except for the crew who will join the vessel in Indonesian territory.

Step-by-step Visa Application Procedure

  1. Applicant sends scanned required documents to AJ Consultants by email.
  2. AJ Consultants submit Single-Entry Visitor Visa (E-Visa) Application to office of Directorate General of Immigration (Dirjen Imigrasi) in Jakarta.
  3. Office of Directorate General Of Immigration (Dirjen Imigrasi) issues E-Visa  in 3-5 working days.
  4. AJ Consultants sends a pdf copy of E-Visa to applicant.
  5. Applicant can then print and present the visa at immigration counter at airport to enter Indonesia.


  1. Could you help me to get Indonesian Sponsor’s Identity Card (KTP) that i can use to apply for Indonesia B211A tourist visa

  2. Hi Sir/Ms,

    I S.V.Ramana Kumar…… I can Apply DEPENDENT VISA for my NEW Born Baby…………… and the baby is in INDIA …………. And what is the procedure?…. Pls REply… TQ

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