South Jakarta Immigration Office made a breakthrough in making passport process much simpler. Now the passport applicants will be able to pay directly for Passport fee with debit cards, credit cards, or cash through the equipment available in Immigration office. Since the month of July 2014 the Passport applicants has been given the ease the payment process for a passport. With the present services, applicants can freely and comfortably choose the payment method for passport as desired. People can enjoy a passport through EDC payment which can be made through Bank Debit Card from ‘Prima’ group with green logo and Credit Card with ‘Mastercard’ logo. If applicant do not have a debit card or credit card then he can choose to pay in cash through a payment machine available in Immigration office or payment can be made at any BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) Bank. Recently this program is implemented in Immigration office’s in Greater Jakarta but will be expanded to other Immigration Office’s soon.